Sunday, March 29, 2009

Why should cell phones be banned in school?

I'm doing a research paper over why cell phones should be banned and I need as much details as possible.. please..

Here are some reasons I think they should be banned during school hours:

1. There's no reason a child needs to use a phone during class. If there's any sort of emergency, the student can call from the office. Students got along for a long time without phones on their person.

2. It gives students another medium to cheat. Cell phones seem to have replaced crib notes.

3. It's rude to have your phone ringing while someone is speaking (ie. a teacher or other student giving a presentation).

4. It's distracting. If you're in the middle of a test and the phone rings, it can distract everyone around you.

Those are a few reasons I could think of. I hope it helps. :)

cell phones are being banned bc instead of f'n listening to teachers they are txtin it up...people are so f'n stupid!!!! They should be able to have them in their bags, but turned off then if they need to call their parents, the schools have phones or they can use their phones with permission i never used my cell at school it was off and in my i am all for bannin them atleast til they get more responsible and not use them durrin class and listen for once

it shouldn't be banned. Students may need to call parents if emergency occurs. Its your opinion though. My only reason is because it might get stolen,broken, or taken away from an adult. And because students should get education instead of going on AIM.

it just shouldn't be allowed during class, but besides that they're important in case of emergency.

internet to potentially cheat, you attention focuses on something else, can get stolen. thats all i can think of

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