Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How to get to classes... and stop being lazy?

I have been missing so many classes, because I seriously lack motivation to go. I get to tech then I skip the class and study in the library instead, or even just go back home. The thought of being in the classroom scares me, I'm not sure why. Even though I carry on studying, I'm slowing falling behind. Am I lazy? How can I stop being lazy and go to classes? The tutors are starting to question me and I'm freaking out.

I tried to see a counselor but it didn't really help. I just don't want to go! Well I do... but I don't want to go more than I want to go.

So, cut school and start working with the people in fastfood. Try and get an apartment based on that income verification. Have every travel company deny your application to join any tour because you are broke. Apply for a car loan and get declined because fastfood is not going to finance a living wage.

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