Sunday, March 29, 2009

Is it possible to earn 15 high school credits in 1 year?

Things were screwed up with my homeschooling program. I'm supossed to be in 12th grade, but I'm 15 credits behind. I want to join the Marine Corps Reserve and they won't accept me with a GED, so it's my priority to get a High School Diploma.

I want to go back to high school and take online classes at the same time. I just want to know, do you think it's possible for me to gain 15 credits in 1 school year? I don't want to be 20 years old and still in high school. I want to join the Marines as soon as I possibly can.

hmm that is pretty tough seee what ur school offers i know mine has a COC class where students work and they get 2credits for the year then online classes will help and see if there are morning hour classes and afterschool classes at my school there is zero hour which is before regualr school starts there is a child developement class and weights class at that time and then afterschool classes vary maybe even see about summer school one guy last year they let him graduate but he had to do summer school to actually get his diploma

i think ur hope to join the marines is admirable so i wish u lots of luck :)

The people at guidance should give you some extra credit cources or something like that....

Anyways..."anything is possible"

:) okay not reallly, but i'm not going to lie, it may take more than one year.

You can try summer school, online and night or day schools.

I'm sure it would be pretty hard.

Maybe you could look into credit recovery? Like accelerated programs that get you a credit in like a month instead of 5.

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